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Kaleidoscope Creativity Sectors
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Though attendance is generally low, culturally specific festivals, street arts and live music, beyond the western mainstream and outside of traditional venues, are popular.
Not keen on traditional cultural hubs or centres, they are more likely to engage in the arts in a community setting, outside of conventional spaces.
- Despite having very good access to other arts and cultural events and opportunities from the Western mainstream, they are amongst those least likely to attend, as they do not identify with the offerings available, and this is most true of classical or contemporary events.
- Two-thirds annually engage with more popular and accessible culture, much of this in the local community and outside the mainstream.
- They have a slight leaning towards participatory events, and arts and heritage from cultures other than the Western mainstream, and about a quarter will attend such popular events annually, which is much lower than average.
- Free events and activities programmed to take place within conventional theatres, concert halls, museums and gallery spaces may meet with limited success in attracting Kaleidoscope Creativity, but 31% don’t participate in any cultural activity at all.
Most open to culturally specific festivals, carnivals, live music and street arts that reflect the diversity of backgrounds from which they’re drawn.
- Artforms such as film and live music are popular, whilst musical tastes are wide-ranging, from soul, hip-hop and R&B to more culturally specific music, reflecting the diversity of backgrounds from which they’re drawn.
- That said, if you were generally looking to find an audience (any audience) for a live music performance you wouldn’t necessarily start by trying to engage Kaleidoscope Creativity, because comparatively speaking, they’re less inclined to attend live music events than most other segments.
- They are more positively disposed to arts events than to museum or heritage offerings, and very few have membership of the National Trust or English Heritage.
- Free, local events may appeal, as might “treats” like high-profile musicals, which may be a good way to reach this group.
- Their interest in attending festivals and outdoor arts events is reflected in their high propensity to participate in carnivals and streets arts as well, most likely with culturally specific themes (such as Mela, Baisakhi and Navratri) – they’re in fact one of the segments most likely to do so.
- If you were trying to find an audience for a culturally specific festival, you would almost certainly target Kaleidoscope Creativity, because they’re more likely to engage than people from almost every other segment.
A leaning towards participatory events from cultures other than the Western mainstream, that take place on their home ground.
- Community-based activities that take place on their home ground, e.g. community spaces such as youth clubs, schools or church halls, or in neutral outdoor and particularly open spaces, are more likely to prove appealing, or certainly less alienating, than those in traditional indoor arts venues.
- Whilst overall propensity to attend is comparatively low, this is more reflective of a disinterest in 'formal' or 'traditional' artforms and venues, as their disposition to take part in participatory activities is reasonably good.
- They are likely to get involved in community-based activity provided they feel that they have agency over the activity being delivered - i.e. are involved in the decision-making, production etc.
- They are around or just below national averages in relation to dance (and possibly culturally specific dance), playing and creating music, painting and taking part in outdoors events.
- Whilst they’re comparatively niche pastimes, there is also a relatively high propensity amongst this group to compose music or to write poetry.