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This large group includes families of all ages, with typical educational backgrounds, solid careers and the means to enjoy their time as they please, both at home and abroad.


Largely demographically homogenous group of white, middle-class, mature couples and older families benefitting from general good health and mobility.

  • Infrequently attending but regular, Dormitory Dependables make up one of the largest proportions of the population.
  • Many are thriving, well off mature couples or busy older families, though there isa large proportion of families with young children.
  • Good health is a fairly broad feature amongst Dormitory Dependables.
  • As they are largely demographically homogenous (white, middle aged, middle class, with low instances of disability) there are limited opportunities for increasing diversity by targeting this group.


Quite comfortably off middle management with a typical level of educational attainment, living in privately owned suburban houses.

  • Dormitory Dependables tend to be fairly comfortably off, being either successful people in senior management positions, or highly experienced in lower managerial, supervisory or technical roles.
  • About two thirds of households have an income of over £25,000 per year and the majorityare living in privately owned semi-detached or detached houses in small or suburban towns. (figures c. 2015)
  • Their education profile is similar to that of the English population at large, with a third having attained a degree or higher level of qualification.
  • Some have also gained higher educational qualifications below degree level, and around 4% have undertaken trade apprenticeships.


Friends and family oriented gardeners and gym lovers, who enjoy eating and drinking out, going to the cinema, and taking holidays abroad.

  • The home is an important focus for Dormitory Dependables – many are keen DIY enthusiasts and gardeners.
  • Visiting restaurants, bars and clubs are also ways in which they like to use their leisure time, often with friends or family, and they are very keen cinema goers.
  • With many successful or established in managerial and professional careers, they can afford gym memberships - almost two thirds regularly take part in sports and exercise activities - and to use their available income to enjoy holidays or take up new hobbies.
  • They have a relatively high propensity to play a musical instrument, and are inclined towards photography, as well as creating their own digital content.